Ladies' Auxiliary
At our meeting in September 2011, the members of the Long Island Chapter SAR approved a motion to establish a Chapter Ladies' Auxiliary under the National Ladies' Auxiliary of the Sons of the American Revolution.
The objectives of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Long Island Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution shall be in common with that Chapter and the Empire State Society, and are directed to support the Chapter by encouraging membership growth, raising funds and furthering the objectives of the SAR, which are declared to be historical, patriotic and educational.
The Ladies' Auxiliary supports the Patriotic Activities of the Sons of the American Revolution and other similar societies.
The Ladies' Auxiliary provides the wives, widows, daughters and other women relatives of the members of the Sons of the American Revolution a method of supporting the Chapter and to use the time at Chapter meetings for the betterment of the Chapter and Empire State Society.
Membership in the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Long Island Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution is open to the wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, and other women relatives of members of the Sons of the American Revolution who are in good standing or were at the time of their death.
Please click on the file below to download a membership application.
All inquiries regarding the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Long Island Chapter, including membership, should be sent to President Bryan Irrgang at